Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day Fun

After dinner, we built a fire in the firepit, and roasted marshmallows. Riley would like to say "It was fun roasting marshmallows and coloring our paper of the earth. And it was a bunch of colors. Happy Earth Day"

We started off the day just me and the boys, as Addison spent the night with her Gram. The boys and I cleaned a bit, and after breakfast we went on a long walk to the park. We walked through woods and wildflowers and had a great time. We saw a cardinal, a wildflower we can't identify that was in a field of Indian paintbrush. We thanked the earth for all we get from her.

Later, Riley colored a paper of the earth, I don't have a picture of it, but it was fantastic! Early afternoon we went to BellaRosa and picked up Addison, went to the Angel store and got some lucky marbles and quartz (the store is by my store, and the lady loves my kids, they go in with a dollar and come out with three things...)

Addison would like to say "I am very thankful for the earth, and my favorite thing about earth day is reading books and singing songs. I am so thankful for the earth, and my whole family."

The kids swam for a couple hours with Gram while I worked, and then we came home to dinner (gotta love the crock pot) We had chili, then the bonfire!

My kids are awesome, my husband is awesome and my life is beautiful!

Of course, what is Earth Day, without watching Aquamarine before bedtime.... LOL.



Knit Witch said...

YAY!! Sounds like a GREAT day! We had a fire in our backyard fire pit last night too! Check out my "today's blog" about Earth Day as well. It's so nice to hear about someone else totally happy with their life and working to improve the appreciation of nature by everyone!

BellaBabe said...

Yes, in the spirit of positivity I am "totally happy" with my life.

Sometimes I must remind myself of course... :-)

Andy said...

Sounds like an entirely enchanting day for you all! :D We have the same fire pit, and my kids lurve it endlessly! Dad is big on fires, and they have learned a ton about fire safety etc. - I totally appreciate how wonderful it is for a kid to sit around and roast stuff. Even inedible stuff lol! Edible is better. :D You have beeeeeeeautiful chillens! :D andy